Hello Peoplesss ! :D CNY is coming soon, are you ready for it ?
i haven't buy enough my CNY clothes. I wanna shopping!! :'(
Well well~ back to the topic.
Last night went to IOI Mall with Yumiko. Yessss! Movie again :)

The taxi driver is cute! x)
After movie went to Cheras Fun Fair with friends, LOL!
I don't know why we were there? I remember we go Cheras for yumcha if not mistaken -.-

Did you see that? Maybe for other peoples, it was fun. But for me, this is damn scary! D;

Reached my sweet home at 2 something
♥ Nowadays I don't really like to go out D;

Today mommy helped my toenails "banleng".
Red colour nails for CNY
♥I asked her why must polish red colour, and she said ONG ma.
Wo hen sweat =.="

hehehe, me&lil sis feet
♥Alright, wish everyone will get many angpau on CNY :)
And readers!
Click on my Nuffnang ads , Aligatorr !